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p5-Ouch Exceptions that don't hurt
p5-Package-Constants Lists all the constants defined in a Perl package
p5-Package-DeprecationManager Perl 5 module to manage deprecation warnings
p5-Package-Generator Perl 5 module to generate new packages
p5-Package-Stash Perl 5 module providing routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Package-Stash-XS Perl 5 module providing a better correct Package::Stash implementation
p5-Package-Variant Perl5 module wrapper for parameterizable packages
p5-Padre-Plugin-Debugger (V) Debug Perl code from Padre editor
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlCritic (V) Analyze perl files in Padre with Perl::Critic
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy (V) Format perl files in Padre using Perl::Tidy
p5-PadWalker Play with other peoples' lexical variables
p5-pango Perl bindings to the pango library
p5-PAR Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
p5-PAR-Dist Perl module toolkit to create and manipulate PAR distributions
p5-Parallel-ForkManager Simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Parallel-Prefork Perl 5 simple prefork server framework
p5-Params-Classify Perl5 module for argument type classification
p5-Params-Coerce Perl 5 module allowing classes to do coercion of parameters
p5-Params-Util Simple standalone param-checking functions
p5-Params-Validate Validate method/function parameters
p5-Params-ValidationCompiler Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
p5-parent Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta Perl5 module to parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages Perl 5 module to parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
p5-Parse-Method-Signatures Perl 5 module providing Perl 6 like method signature parser
p5-Parse-PMFile Parses .pm files as PAUSE does
p5-Parse-RecDescent Perl5 module to generate recursive-descent parsers
p5-Parse-Yapp Perl5 LALR parser
p5-PatchReader Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
p5-Path-Class Cross-platform path specification manipulation
p5-Path-Class-File-Stat Cache and compare stat() calls on a Path::Class::File object
p5-Path-Dispatcher Perl 5 module providing flexible and extensible dispatch
p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative Perl 5 module providing a sugary dispatcher
p5-Path-FindDev Find a development path in an upper hierarchy
p5-Path-IsDev Perl extension to determine if path resembles dev source tree
p5-Path-Iter Perl module for simple efficient path iteration
p5-Path-Tiny (V) Perl5 file path utility
p5-PathTools Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
p5-Pegex Create equivalent parsers in lots of programming languages
p5-Perl-APIReference Programmatically query the perlapi
p5-Perl-Critic Perl 5 module providing a static Perl source code analysis engine
p5-perl-headers Perl header files
p5-perl-ldap (V) Perl class to access LDAP servers
p5-Perl-MinimumVersion Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
p5-Perl-PrereqScanner Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
p5-Perl-Tidy Parses and beautifies perl source
p5-Perl-Version Perl 5 module to parse and manipulate Perl version strings
p5-Perl4-CoreLibs Libraries historically supplied with Perl 4
p5-Perl6-Export Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs Perl 5 module implementing Perl 6 symbol export mechanism
p5-Perl6-Junction Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-Perl6-Slurp Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
p5-PerlIO-eol Perl module for normalizing line endings
p5-PerlIO-gzip Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict Perl extension to provide fast and correct UTF-8 I/O
p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2 PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic Perl module for dynamic PerlIO layers
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink PerlIO layers to create symlinks
p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout PerlIO layer to add read and write timeouts to a handle
p5-PerlX-Maybe Perl 5 module returning a pair only if they are both defined
p5-PHP-Serialization Perl 5 module providing PHP-like (de)serialization
p5-pip Perl Installation Program
p5-Pod-Coverage (V) Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod (V) Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints
p5-Pod-Elemental (V) Perl5 module to work with nestable Pod elements
p5-Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger (V) Perl5 module that takes a string of Perl and rewrites its Pod
p5-Pod-Escapes (V) Perl module for decoding Pod E<...> sequences
p5-Pod-Eventual (V) Read a POD document as a series of trivial events
p5-Pod-Parser (V) POD filters and translators
p5-Pod-Readme (V) Convert POD to README file
p5-Pod-Simple (V) Simple framework for parsing Pod
p5-Pod-Spell (V) Formatter for spellchecking Pod
p5-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes (V) Catches common typos in POD
p5-Pod-Tree (V) Create a static syntax tree for a POD
p5-Pod-Usage Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
p5-Pod-Weaver (V) Weave together a Pod document from an outline
p5-podlators (V) Collection of pod related perl modules
p5-POE Perl Object Environment
p5-POE-Component-Cron Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
p5-POE-Component-Pluggable Perl base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
p5-POE-Component-Schedule Schedule POE events using DateTime::Set iterators
p5-POE-Component-Syndicator POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
p5-POE-Test-Loops Perl module providing reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
p5-POEx-Types Exported Types for use within POEx modules
p5-postgresql (V) Perl interface class for PostgreSQL
p5-PPI Perl 5 module to parse, analyze and manipulate Perl (without perl)
p5-PPI-PowerToys Handy collection of small PPI-based utilities
p5-PPI-XS Perl 5 XS acceleration for the PPI perl parser
p5-PPIx-Regexp Represent a regular expression of some sort
p5-PPIx-Utilities Extensions to PPI
p5-prefork Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenarios
p5-Probe-Perl Information about the currently running perl
p5-Proc-Background Perl 5 module prodiving an interface to background process management
p5-Proc-Daemon Provide capability for a Perl program to run as a daemon
p5-Proc-InvokeEditor Perl 5 module for starting a text editor
p5-Proc-PID-File Perl module to manage process-ID files
p5-Proc-Pidfile Perl module for maintaining a pid file
p5-Proc-ProcessTable Perl extension to access the UNIX process table